Kelsey Jean Marie
3 min readSep 3, 2021

Tonight I’m grateful for the song Millianaro that I just heard for the first time and caused me to dance until I sweat, in the dark, in my kitchen, when I was just heading to turn the big computer off for the night.

I’m grateful I really bombed the Medium Writers Challenge even though when I read the four words that stood as prompts I felt as though it had been designed just for me and it was the greatest opportunity to have really cool eyes on theories and ideas that run my life and drive me crazy with passion. I’m grateful I studder and stumble with things that are high sensation and even so I felt I was decently on track working bit by bit and…

Kelsey Jean Marie

existential kink & emotional intelligence ~ electric embodiment ~ radical relationship ; deep communication ~ UN’FOC’D community : hallelujah anyways — - - -