Member-only story
Tonight I am grateful that no one is yelling at me because I rambled away from some daily practices I really care about maintaining. I am glad no one really yelled at me in general today.
I am grateful I actually did raise my voice with my companion today and I didn’t really like it at all. I really like having a dharmic relationship that is reflecting to me the incredible possibility of ongoing kindness and gentleness.
I am grateful to look disassociation in the face and say WTF.
I am grateful to feeeeeel the subtle but spectacular difference between disassociation and disentanglement.
I am grateful for following through this week with one shitty phone call a day… playing catch up from all the shitty phone calls I’ve been avoiding for months… and that they are going really well! I am grateful today was balanced out with one fun phone call from a friend and that I so rarely have calls of any kind with anyone other than professional zoom meetings.
I am grateful for fire cider and how fast it seems to have cured me of my cold. I am grateful my companion dropped it off even though him coming to my property and running into my family was a big deal that is kinda sorta but not really but also definitely blowing up in my face.
I love how imperfections can feel perfect and stuff that is perfect can feel so undesirable at times. I am grateful for the smoke & mirrors house of hilarious horrors that this life is.
I am grateful that I just used my voice to tone and it really feels so good through my whole body. I am grateful for how peaceful I feel right now.
Thank you for everything. No complaints.