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hallelujah anyways no. 500
I am grateful for my hair and the way it itches … so I have something to scratch. I love that life for me has often been itchy. I love that I associate itchy with uncomforrtable. I am grateful for the subtle but sharp pains in my belly. I am grateful for the dryness of my lips. And the way my son fell asleep while we were talking. I am grateful for all the nights I have fallen asleep chatting with someone wonderful that I adored. I am grateful to say adored in past tense without any wincing. I am grateful I don’t really miss anyone. I am grateful to desire a companion. I am grateful to to take a break from typing and find myself sitting eyes closed with all my fingertips touching their counterparts of the other hand — a brain balancing mudra . I am grateful for kundalini yoga today and to be chanting in practice while the eclipse peaked at 1115 am . I am grateful not to have left the house today except to put some garbage in the bin. I sent maru out once to look for plantain. I am grateful we have fleas and ants and mice. I am grateful to blast this house with white gold energy incinerating any infestation energy. I am grateful as I say that my left side itches intensely. Grateful to be contemplating doing a play except that I don’t feel grateful towards the rehearsals or the time it will take to memorize lines. I am grateful this shows me I am not really aligned with this suggested activity at all though I am grateful to be thoughts of and to have ideas shared with me of what I may excel at. I am grateful how many converstaions my life have revolved around someone telling me a life path or big devotion that seems like me to that person. I am grateful to readily yet patiently dismiss most of them. I am grateful a yes is a yes and a no is a no and it’s my body that says so. I love that until I practice listening I will not be great at listening aka my ego will interfere because it is not surrendered to listening. I am grateful how much time I have spent in that state and how noticing it in others and finding it infuriating led me to notice it in myself.